Navigate and Thrive

Looking to navigate and thrive in the new normal? Together, we can help you meet the changing needs of your customers and employees.

Woman sitting at desk on computer

Navigate and Thrive in the New Normal

Contact centers, back offices and CX teams have adapted and responded to the chaos of closing physical locations and the wild swings in contact volumes. The need to social distance quickly shifted many employees to remote and accelerated digital transformations such as cloud, automation and artificial intelligence (AI).

As we transition to the next phase of response, you need to:

  • Accelerate the move to the cloud
  • Craft plans to safely bring some or all employees back to the office
  • Implement more effective self-service
  • Create visibility and greater efficiency in managing employee productivity
  • Remain compliant using Microsoft Teams
  • Listen and respond to customers and employees quickly
  • Support customers as a small or medium-sized business

Verint is here to help. Our priority is to help you better leverage your current Verint investments to navigate and thrive in this new world.

How do I move to the cloud quickly and easily?

If the challenges of 2020 have you looking to move to the cloud, we’re ready to help.

Agility, flexibility, and speed have never been more critical to your business. Shifting to the cloud is an essential strategy to strengthen your business continuity and innovation capabilities. Saddletree Research predicts huge increases in the percent of cloud penetration – from 48.7% in 2020 to 81.4% in 2024.

Those who adopt cloud-based, AI-enabled customer engagement solutions can deliver an exceptional CX, now and in the future.

We offer free return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) evaluations to help you understand how to reduce costs moving from on-premises software to Verint in the cloud.

Get a free cloud ROI analysis
woman working remote on laptop

How do I plan a safe return to the office?

Whether you are managing a remote workforce or navigating a safe return to the office, your employees need flexibility and communication. According to Forbes, social distancing means you lose about 60% of your on-site contact center’s capacity. You need to maintain staffing levels through many changing circumstances.

Workforce Management can make life for agents and managers easier with capabilities such as shift-swapping, shift request changes, PTO requests, and mobile. WFM can also provide the automated workflows to allow organizations to meet the challenges of scheduling safety and hygiene practices at their own pace.

How do I help customers self-serve?

Increased use of digital and self-service channels during and beyond the crisis can help prevent your agents from getting overwhelmed while enabling your customers to quickly find the answers they need. Automation and self-service can also help you reduce costs be enabling your customers to do more themselves.

Deflecting calls can help your front-line teams respond to increased inquiry volume so you can more efficiently scale and respond to customer needs.

Self-service tools such as intelligent virtual assistantsknowledge management, or live chat channels can help you deliver answer efficiently while improving CX. IVAs and chatbots can help you deflect about 40-80% of calls.

Amtrak Uses IVAs to Support Customers and Employees during COVID-19

How do I manage employee productivity of work from home and in-office agents?

As your contact center expands channels and becomes distributed across sites and work-from-home agents, are you able to manage your workforce effectively? No matter where your employees are, you need visibility into how they use different systems, applications, and processes to perform their work.

Application Visualizer Cloud solution can help ensure employees are spending their time in the right applications and on the right tasks across systems, teams, and locations.

The cloud solution can help you identify opportunities to increase productivity and capacity, enhance compliance and drive down costs.

Man sitting on desk talking with headphones on

How do I remain compliant using Microsoft Teams?

Usage of unified communications (UC) and collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams has skyrocketed as businesses adapt to new working environments practices, prompted by COVID-19.

Wherever your workforce is located, you must still remain compliant with the regulations and corporate policies that control how you work. The native recording functionality in Teams is not sufficient if you need to automatically record, store and monitor regulated interactions, based on a policy. Likewise, traditional recording solutions may struggle to provide the necessary compliance coverage for Teams.

Compliance Recording for Microsoft Teams can help you capture, archive, analyze and retrieve interactions across all communication modes available in Teams calling, meetings and collaboration streams.

Man using tablet in office

How do I listen to, understand, and respond to customers?

In times of crisis, 54% of customers ranked call support as their initial channel preference and 58% more customers prefer to solve urgent issues by calling.

As we navigate the new normal, organizations need increased visibility into customer requests, issues and needs. Call volumes and new types of customer inquiries spiked significantly in the past 6 months. You need quick and easy ways to support your employees with insights into customer questions.

Speech Analytics can help you formulate data-driven responses to customer concerns, update agents, and surface real-time insights.

How can small or medium-sized organizations support customers?

As customers continue to navigate the new normal, their CX expectations have increased. They expect organizations to address their needs quickly and efficiently so their needs are resolved within the first call. Regardless of your organization’s size, it is paramount that you have solutions in place that can track and analyze your customer interactions, use data to develop actionable improvement plans, and engage your workforce as they settle into their new routine working from home.

Verint has easy-to-use, cloud solutions that can empower organizations of all sizes to create impactful customer interactions and better understand the customer experience while remaining flexible and supportive of employees.

Woman in office using tablet

Verint is here to help

Your decisions and actions today will impact customer loyalty and your brand’s reputation for years to come. It is essential that you leverage the right tools and best practices to not only survive this crisis, but to thrive on the other side.

Verint is here to help. Learn more about our QuickStarts, designed to address your urgent needs to lower costs and improve CX.