How the Tesco Flu Jab Appointment Booking Journey Works

Tesco is now allowing customers to book flu jabs at many of its stores, and the customer experience is safe, efficient and engaging thanks to appointment booking software.
In today’s Covid-19 era, the 2020 flu jab is said to be the most important to date. It will play a vital role in helping the NHS to cope through the winter months, especially if there’s another spike in Covid-19 cases, and it will help the general public to benefit from a healthier immune system.
As a result, the UK government has increased the number of people eligible for the free vaccination by the millions, calling it “the most comprehensive flu vaccination programme in the UK’s history.”
Tesco is the UK’s largest supermarket chain and, like a number of its competitors, it offers pharmaceutical services inside many of its stores.
Anticipating the huge spike in demand for flu jabs this year, Tesco has deployed appointment booking software to enable customers to schedule NHS and privately paid flu vaccines at their nearest stores.
How Tesco’s flu jab customer journey works
- Tesco has set up a specific microsite for its flu jab service which is visible through search and clickable from
- From there, customers are asked to complete a brief and easy to complete questionnaire to check that customers are not experiencing Covid-19 or flu symptoms beforehand, and to ensure they don’t suffer from any allergies that may prevent them from receiving the flu jab.
- To confirm their appointment, customers are then asked further questions to support the pharmacist.
- Customers then have the option of choosing between a free NHS flu jab (if they are eligible) or to pay £9.
- They can then select a time-slot that suits them to visit their chosen store and complete their personal details.
3 reasons why we like Tesco’s flu jab customer journey
1) It provides a safe customer experience
Instead of popping down to their local Tesco to enquire about a flu jab, customers can find out all the information they need online and book an appointment, keeping them and other customers and store staff safe. The questionnaire functionality of the customer journey is also brilliant as it allows Tesco to triage customer needs and gain a clearer understanding of their customers’ personal health history and requirements beforehand. This also drastically reduces the time spent in-store, as the Tesco Pharmacy team have all the information they need before the customer steps foot in the store.
2) It’s easy and professional
The appointment booking system will enable Tesco to drive significant foot traffic to its flu jab services while also enabling the brand to remain highly professionally in its approach. The booking system is simple to use, easy to manage and allows customers to have more control by selecting a time that suits them.
3) It increases productivity
The flu jab season is an incredibly busy time for pharmacies, but this appointment scheduling software enables Tesco teams to seamlessly manage appointments, assign customers to specific members of staff and manage multiple streams of queues and appointments at once.
This system also provides Tesco with access to unique data insights to better manage its resources and flu jab customer journey across the board.