Verint Interview by Webex – Enterprise Connect 2024

In this interview, John Bourne, Verint’s SVP of Global Channels & Alliances, sheds light on how Verint’s AI-powered bots such as the TimeFlex Bot and Coaching Bots can help contact centers improve agent wellness and elevate customer experience simultaneously in the age of hybrid work.
Customer experience has been in the limelight for a very long time, and deservedly so, but until now, agent wellness hasn’t been getting enough attention. Hybrid work, the proliferation of communication channels, and growing customer expectations are posing new challenges to contact centers employees.
Verint’s AI-powered TimeFlex Bot revolutionizes schedule management by offering agents unprecedented flexibility to manage their shifts in a hybrid work model. By allowing them to spread their working hours over a longer period of time, agents can maintain a good work/life balance. And, as efficient schedule management means shorter wait times, the bot can also significantly improve customer experience.
At the same time, the Verint Coaching Bots can automatically detect if an agent is having a hard time dealing with a customer and alert the supervisor of the issue. This way, the employee can get immediate help despite working from home, which further improves agent wellness.
In the interview, John also shares his excitement about how Verint and Cisco together can move a large number of customers to the cloud and offer such unique benefits to these customers that would be unavailable to them with old on-premises technology. If you want to learn more about the benefits of moving to the cloud, go to Verint Cloud Platform .
Want to explore more AI business outcomes? Check out the Verint TimeFlex Bot and Coaching Bots