Sustainability and Community Involvement
Protecting Our Planet
At Verint, we are committed to reducing our environmental footprint in all of our activities and to providing our customers with environmentally friendly solutions and services to help them reduce their environmental impact.
As part of our global sustainability strategy, we:
- Strive to minimize our dependence on non-renewable resources; for example, by reducing energy consumption in our facilities, offering downloadable software and documentation to our customers, and distributing newsletters and other materials electronically.
- Comply with environmental regulations and accepted sustainability standards in our own operations and the solutions that we offer our customers, including RoHS, WEEE, Energy Star, and many others. We produce and package our products according to the US Environmental Agency’s Design for Environment concepts to reduce use of hazardous substances, power consumption, and packaging materials and increase reuse and recycling.
- Work to establish a global environmental management system that enables us to establish company-wide guidelines and systematically assess our performance. Verint conforms to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard.
- Encourage our suppliers to pursue “green” policies and comply with sustainability directives.
- Educate our employees on environmentally sound practices.
- Monitor our progress to promote ongoing improvement.
Verint Next Generation
At Verint, we are committed to “giving back” to the communities in which we live and work. In 2005, we launched the Verint Next Generation program, which engages Verint employees around the globe in projects that benefit children in need.
As part of our Next Generation initiative, Verint employees engage in a wealth of community activities, from supplying food pantries and participating in blood drives to collecting clothing and school supplies, building playgrounds, cleaning parks, and planting gardens.
Verint is proud to support our employees’ community service activities with programs for donating employee time to qualified children’s organizations and matching grants. The Verint Next Generation Program puts Verint Values to work in our local communities, with the goal of affording the next generation greater opportunities and the tools for making the most of them.